KnitPro Ginger Double Pointed Needles (2024)

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KnitPro Ginger Double Pointed Needles (1)
US 3 (3.25mm) 8" Needles shown$12.50

(5.0 based on 12 reviews)

Made of birchwood, with Knitter's Pride's usual attention to detail, Knitter's Pride Ginger needles provide a wonderful knitting experience. With a surface that's just right, Ginger is not too slippery and not too grippy. You'll love the points too, as they are not too sharp but not too blunt. Ginger will quickly become your favorite needle choice if you find yourself drawn to wooden needles!

Heads up... Knitter's Pride needles, hooks, and accessories are getting a makeover! They will now be known under the KnitPro name. When you order this specific product, it might arrive in a KnitPro package. But don't fret! They're still the same high-quality tools you know and love, just sporting a fresh name and new packaging!

You can also view all KnitPro Ginger Double Pointed Needles.

(4 available)

Other options from $8.30 to $17.30

Product Information

(for US 3 (3.25mm) 8" Needles)


8" (20cm)

Needle Type:

Double Point

US Size:

US 3 (3.25mm)
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Overall Ginger Double Pointed Needles Rating: KnitPro Ginger Double Pointed Needles (8) (5.0 based on 12 reviews)

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Nice needlesKnitPro Ginger Double Pointed Needles (9) (5 out of 5)

I have lots and lots of dpn. These are a stand out. Feel good in hand and no slippage.

By bostondonna on Sep 11, 2023(read bostondonna's 11 other reviews)23 found this review helpful

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Longer DPNs to work withKnitPro Ginger Double Pointed Needles (10) (5 out of 5)

I had a fear of the yarn slipping off DPNs while working, and this 8 inch length got me over my fears! I like the way they feel in my hands.

By DJofOlympia on Mar 24, 2023(read DJofOlympia's 81 other reviews)20 found this review helpful

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Gingers never disappoint. KnitPro Ginger Double Pointed Needles (11) (5 out of 5)

Like their circular needles, Knitter's Pride Ginger DPNs are solid, warm in your hands, and have good points for wooden needles.

By Jennifer_Sanders on May 13, 2022(read Jennifer_Sanders's 4 other reviews)5 found this review helpful

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Great needles!KnitPro Ginger Double Pointed Needles (12) (5 out of 5)

I really like these needles! Comfortable to work with and holds the stitches just the right amount. Whe working with tiny stitches, it is important to have needles that help one move the stitches along, but that don't slide the stitches off the needle.

By JkAhma on Oct 31, 2021(read JkAhma's 8 other reviews)13 found this review helpful

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Great product and serviceKnitPro Ginger Double Pointed Needles (13) (5 out of 5)

This was an easy purchase on the web. The needles were in stock and delivered in a short time. Thx.

By KnittingNewby on Aug 13, 2021(read KnittingNewby's 1 other review)2 found this review helpful

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Gotta have them!KnitPro Ginger Double Pointed Needles (14) (5 out of 5)

Love the feel of the gingers. Smooth tip great for socks & any project really.

By Kara Armstrong Pate on Aug 02, 2021(read Kara Armstrong Pate's 14 other reviews)14 found this review helpful

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KnitPro Ginger Double Pointed Needles (15) (5 out of 5)

By Gina Eagerton on Apr 15, 2021(read Gina Eagerton's 3 other reviews)10 found this review helpful

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Love my new needlesKnitPro Ginger Double Pointed Needles (16) (5 out of 5)

I was very pleased with the quality of these needles.

By GmaMary on Jul 19, 2020(read GmaMary's 3 other reviews)17 found this review helpful

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Smooth wood KnitPro Ginger Double Pointed Needles (17) (5 out of 5)

The wood on these needles is so smooth that my yarn doesn’t snag, like it does on other wood needles. The length is perfect for socks.

By nikii on Jul 18, 2020(read nikii's 6 other reviews)13 found this review helpful

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Great for the priceKnitPro Ginger Double Pointed Needles (18) (5 out of 5)

these are great double pointed needles. Smooth and wonderful, with a great point to them.

By DMPknitter on Jul 13, 2020(read DMPknitter's 15 other reviews)22 found this review helpful

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Clear Selections

KnitPro Ginger Double Pointed Needles (2024)


Are KnitPro and Knitter's Pride the same company? ›

and brand is manufactured and sold by the same company (KnitPro Group). After careful consideration and strategic planning, we are proud to announce the merger of Knitter's Pride brand into a single, global unified brand KnitPro.

What is the best length for double pointed knitting needles? ›

Like other knitting needles, the double pointed needles come in a range of sizes 4″ - 8″ in popular sizes. The 4-inch needles are ideal for knitting gloves and mittens, while 5 or 6 inches ones are for knitting socks and 8-inch knitting needles are for hats, sweaters, and larger items.

Is KnitPro a good brand? ›

I've used KnitPro needles for many years and they're one of the brands that I'll always recommend to beginners, but there's no point in being given new needles and not trying them out!

Are all KnitPro interchangeable needles compatible? ›

Will the cables work on all the different varieties of interchangeable needles? Do I need to buy different cables for different needle tips? All our cables are compatible across our whole product range. Any of the KnitPro Interchangeable needles and cables can be used together.

Should I use 4 or 5 double pointed needles? ›

You can also slip stitches between needles at each needle junction so that the needle changes aren't all in the same stitch column. Some knitters also find that using 4 needles (plus a 5th to knit onto) helps to prevent ladders of loose yarn between the needles.

What can I use instead of double pointed knitting needles? ›

Circular knitting needles are also preferred to DPNs because they're a little easier to hang onto. You have only two needles plus a cord that joins them and you are all set. Plus, your work doesn't slide off quite as easy as it might from DPN.

Can I use magic loop instead of double pointed needles? ›

The Magic Loop is a technique, not a needle! Using one long circular needle, you can knit different circumferences of project using the Magic Loop technique. It's a great alternative to double pointed needles for working small circumferences in the round, such as socks, mitts, hats, and sleeves.

What does KFB mean in knitting? ›

kfb: Knit into the front and back of a stitch, an increase. kll: Knit left loop; an increase. krl: Knit right loop; an increase.

Can I use straight needles instead of double pointed? ›

In some instances, yes. If you are knitting in the round, you can use double pointed needles instead. You can use straight needles if the knitting isn't joined on each row, but patterns that call for circular needles usually have too many stitches to fit comfortably on straight or dp needles.

Who makes KnitPro? ›

KnitPro is a family owned enterprise that manufactures superior quality needlecraft tools and accessories. Our company employs and supports 1,400+ workers. We are located in Jaipur, India, in an eco-compliant factory and campus.

Are KnitPro and KnitPicks the same? ›

The Knit Picks Rainbow Wood knitting needles are exactly the same as the Knitpro Symfonie Knitting Needles, and can be used with the Knitpro cables and other accessories.

Are Lykke and Knitters Pride interchangeable? ›

We carry tips and cords to create interchangeable needles. Add them to a set you already have or start building your own set! Note that Lykke, Knit Picks, and Knitter's Pride needle tips and cords are interchangeable with one another!

Do Knitters Pride cables work with KnitPicks? ›

Note: Knit Picks & Knitter's Pride needles are made by the same manufacturer and except for colour are exactly the same product. You can mix the tips and cords between the two brands.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.